1: Step 1: Gather ingredients for Lemon Cloud Cookies. Step 2: Mix butter and sugar until fluffy.

2: Step 3: Add lemon zest and juice. Step 4: Gradually mix in flour.

3: Step 5: Form cookie dough into balls. Step 6: Bake until golden brown.

4: Step 7: Allow cookies to cool. Step 8: Drizzle with lemon glaze.

5: Step 9: Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Step 10: Snap a pic for Instagram.

6: Step 11: Watch the likes roll in! Step 12: Serve and enjoy.

7: Step 13: Share recipe with friends. Step 14: Repeat for more followers.

8: Step 15: Keep baking and posting. Step 16: Become a cookie influencer.

9: Step 17: Experiment with different flavors. Step 18: Keep your followers drooling.